Mindful & Spiritual Living

 for Everyday Life


I'm so happy you've arrived here at Cushion Tree. I am passionate about helping you create the life you want through mindful and spiritual practices. With these as your foundation, you can experience life with more balance and freedom instead of living in survival mode.  You do this by working with whatever circumstances life is giving you right now as a basis to grow and live a more connected and joyful existence. Your life has purpose, and the experiences you face are not accidents. 

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Mindfulness or Spiritual Path - which one resonates?


As you look deeper inside yourself, you will soon realize that certain practices may resonate with you more strongly than others. Most of us start at one place and evolve over time to many other places. This is normal so if you are drawn to more mindfulness teachings and practices, walk the beauty of this path. And if the spiritual side of things speaks to you, then you should absolutely follow this path. 

Truth be told, they are interconnected.  

I always think of mindfulness as a core foundation because it teaches us so much about living in just this moment. It gives you a hard glimpse into the human mind and opens you up to understanding that you are not your thoughts. It also teaches us how to reduce suffering in our lives and is deeply rooted in the understanding that you are, at your core, vast Awareness. Everyone can connect to this place inside, which is hard to describe (if vast Awareness didn't speak to you). This deeper connection to what/who you are provides a sense of spaciousness inside and in your life.

The Spiritual Path is equally enlightening.

Instead of focusing on being with thoughts and ego, you shift into the seat of that same Awareness, which is the Soul.

You move and function from the place of the Soul, having a human experience. All the hardships we encounter and the multitude of relationships in our lives are not accidents. They are providing the experience your Soul created. In the ups and downs, this life allows you opportunities to move towards greater Love and Compassion, the root of all existence.

Stepping into that is a practice because it doesn't always feel that way. The downs feel tough, and sometimes you wonder what good could come from these circumstances. Spiritual consciousness illuminates this Higher Perspective and evolves into a deep well of understanding and knowledge.

“It’s not what you look at that matters; it’s what you see.”

                                                                               —Henry David Thoreau

7 Steps To Mindful Living 

Mindfulness is meant to be a background for your life, not another thing to put on your to-do list. 

Download this free tool to help keep mindfulness alive and vibrant in your daily life, without the fuss.  

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